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No BS Bug-out Kit!

Ty Shepard

Updated: Sep 25, 2024

Essentials of a Bug-Out Kit

Snafu Ready is your guide to demystify survival.

There's no room for debate when it comes to survival, which, ultimately boils down to addressing the most imminent threat.

By keeping this in mind, you can avoid overlooking crucial elements.

The Snafu Ready approach is both straightforward and independently verifiable.

Additionally, I draw from my personal experiences in this field of high stakes disaster and survival preparation. As a Pararescueman (PJ), we are the Department of Defense's leading experts in disaster and emergency rescue. Arguably, we are the best in the world. Beyond this, I am a civilian certified Level 1 survival instructor and have had ongoing SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape) training from the military. I have engaged in continuous immersion since 2015. I've also been part of a team tasked with rescuing SpaceX astronauts who might land off course in the Atlantic Ocean. Through these experiences, the importance of planning for long-term medical coverage and prioritizing survival strategies is deeply ingrained.

Now, let’s return to the essential truth about simplifying survival.

Like in emergency medicine—where the primary concern is what could kill the patient first— likewise you must consider what poses the greatest immediate threat to your survival. Think in terms of what will kill you first. In a severe SHTF (Shit Hits The Fan) situation, the most immediate threats are other people, followed by environmental factors (extreme heat or cold), then dehydration, and finally, starvation: weeks to months later. Therefore:

Survival priorities can be broken down as follows:

1.        Security

2.        Shelter

3.        Water

4.        Food

5.        Fire/Cooking*


*The need for fire/cooking may vary. For example, it might be unnecessary if you're stranded on a resource-rich island. Additionally, in other situations creating a fire might expose you to danger if you’re trying to evade detection. Conversely, in extremely cold conditions, fire could be critical for survival. Understanding the context is key. Once again, the context is what is going to kill you first.

With these priorities clear, you can prepare effectively. The mantra here is simple: Prioritize and Execute. Your strategy should revolve around both having immediate supplies and for means for resupplying them (your survival needs; water, food, etc). This applies to both bug-in and bug-out scenarios. If I could summarize this entire article in one sentence, it would be this:

Acquire: Supplies AND Resupply measures, arranged around the survival priorities.

Now, let’s detail the components of a well-prepared Bug-out Kit:


1.        Security

·        Handgun (carried on-person)

·        Medical kit

·        Functional & Blend-able clothing

·        Durable shoes


2.        Shelter

·        Protective clothing

·        Poncho or dual-sided tarp (reflective inside, low-visibility outside)

·        Wool blanket

·        Strong cordage


3.        Water/Hydration

·        Two stainless steel, single-wall water bottles (filled)

·        Salt rock & electrolyte packs


4.        Food

·        Dehydrated food pack

·        Snack bar


5.        Fire/Cooking

·        Tactical lighters and fire starters

·        Tinder kits

·        Stainless steel single wall water bottle (Already covered in water)


1.        Security (N/A)

2.        Shelter

·        Saw or axe

3.        Water

·        Canteens for collecting and boiling water

·        Portable water filter

4.        Food

·        Fishing kit

·        Snare wire

·        Collapsible air rifle

·        Knife (for crafting traps and hunting tools)

5.        Fire/Cooking

·        Additional saw or axe


This guide is designed to offer a clear route for preparation. It’s all about understanding your priorities and taking action. Now that you’re equipped with this knowledge, it’s time to execute!

If you’d like help executing.

I am here for your assistance: Consulting or doing it for you.


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